Professional Certified Coach (PCC, ICF)
Vedica Scholar, LLB
600+ Coaching Hours
Coached and Mentored 1500+ Professionals
IIM-Udaipur & IIT-Delhi Alum
MA-Psychology, LLB
Associate Certified Coach (ACC, ICF)
Coached and Mentored 2000+ Professionals
Better managers can unleash better performance. And yet 69% of managers feel unprepared to manage the various challenges of their role. Managers desperately need help to do better.
Personal Effectiveness
All we need to be is: better than yesterday. Yet that is easier said than done. Nudge your team members to invest in being a better version of themselves. For verily, the strength of the team is each individual member.
Performance Management
Basketball legend Michael Jordan was famously quoted to say, “There is no "I" in Team but there is in Win.” Each member of a team has to win their own personal battles and step up to the plate, for the team to excel.
A draft horse on its own can pull up to 8,000 pounds. However when two draft horses work together they can move up to 24,000 pounds. This is even more amplified when trained together as they can pull 32,000 pounds. Teamwork is the secret sauce.
Diversity & Inclusion
A Deloitte report revealed that 61% of all employees hide or “cover” their identities in some way. This can negatively impact employee engagement and performance because more time is spent thinking about hiding parts of themselves rather than on their work.
”Well begun is half done” said Aristotle. And yet 30% of all new employees leave within 90 days of joining as per a survey from Jobvite. Clearly getting the onboarding process right can deliver big upsides.
The latest Gallup employee engagement survey reflects that globally only 20% of employees report being engaged (involved and enthusiastic) at work. It is a problem that costs the global economy $8.1 trillion.
Change Management
We live in a world that is characterized by an escalating level of volatility. The rate of change is constantly accelerating, and all organizations are faced with a choice: keep pace or die.
Organizational Culture
Peter Drucker put it famously, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” No matter how well-designed a strategy is, it will fall flat unless the team shares the appropriate culture - the values, mindsets, and behaviors that constitute its environment.
We are specialize in transforming businesses and fostering growth through strategic learning interventions and unparalleled expertise.
Our solutions cover above 9 core skills , which span a large canvas of challenges that businesses encounter. Perfect for a single skill intervention.
If it is a skill, it needs practice to be proficient. A learning journey is a roadmap for acquiring a skill. It involves a series of experiences, carefully curated to help the learner reach a specific goal. Embark on one of our learning journeys today!
Executive coaching is a professional development strategy that involves a coach working with an executive or high-potential employee to unlock their potential, enhance their performance, and achieve their goals.
Every learning intervention, every learning cohort and every learner is unique. What works for one would not work for another. Which is why we choose from a varied toolkit of approaches and methodologies to design each intervention with a lot of thought & care about:
Our approach to learning design is inspired by the work
of Roy V. H. Pollock, Andrew McK. Jefferson & Calhoun W. Wick and their “6 Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning.”
Learning interventions need to link-up to business outcomes
Qualify What Can Move the Needle
One size never fits all and training is not always the answer.
The Learning Event Is Not The Finish Line
Learning is a journey – it should be designed as one.
If what is learnt is not applied, the entire intervention is just a tick mark exercise
Aligning Managers is Critical For Learning Transfer
If reporting managers are not aligned to what was taught, learning is doomed
Measuring Impact Drives Accountability
What gets measured, gets done.
Innovative, Impactful and Experiential Learning Programs that can position your business as a frontrunner.
All of our content is developed in-house, vetted by SMEs, internally tested for impact and continuously improved basis iterations at varied customer deployments.
Every intervention starts with a clear understanding of the learning cohort and the expected level of impact. The most appropriate approach is then chosen.
Our commitment and guarantee to clients and our L&D stakeholders is unconditional. Every engagement is an opportunity for us to reaffirm the trust on us.
We are in the business of facilitating improved business results.
Different strokes for different folks. Depending on the client context, we recommend the right mix of learning tools and interventions that will help create a tangible impact to the business.
Training is not always the solution. Sometimes, it is engagement, sometimes just a job-aid, sometimes neither.
Don’t see an answer to your question?
Fill out the Contact-Us form. We will get in tough. Promise!!
All programs can be delivered in online mode, in-person mode and hybrid mode (combination of online + in-person).
Yes. All programs are customized and designed by facilitator after understanding the need and expected outcomes.
Each industry and company situation is unique in some way and solutions are designed keeping this in mind.
You can connect with us by filling the Contact-us form.
Or mail us at
For each workshop, we can help you with a set of 3 different teasers that you can customize and share periodically with participants to build excitement and get traction.
Impact measurement will depend on what methodologies are incorporated in your learning journey. Based on the data we are able to collect within a given methodology, we can create and share a report with you at the end of the journey. This is an optional service which you can choose to select – please let us know if this is something you require.
Yes, program management is a big part of what we can help you with. It is an optional service that clients can choose to select. Do speak to us about it.
A learning journey could be as short as a month (if done intensively) or as long as 12 months, depending on the scope of what needs to be achieved.